Sunday, November 2, 2008

Red Scarf Girl

1. Who are the members of Ji-Li's family? Describe her family home. What class status does her family belong to? What occupation of her father? Mother?
The members of Ji-Li's family are Ji-Yong as the younger brother, (11 years old), p14, Ji-Yun (10 years old), Song Po-Po (the nanny/house keeper), p14-15, mom and dad, grandmother, (who used to be the principal), p14, Aunt and cousin, (they live downstairs and the cousin is You-Mei, p15, a cat called "Little White", p17. You-Mei's baby (Hua-Hua), p15. Her family home is a big building in Shanghai, a french window and high ceiling, p15, and had only one room. The apartment was warm and bright, p7. There was a private bathroom, as big as some peoples house,p15-16.They lived on an alley, p20. Family occupation: Her dad is an actor and her mom was an actor, p13, (her mom now works in a sport store). Her grandmother was vice-principal of her old school, p14. Family class status: Upper middle class, p16.

2.  What is Ji-Li's life at school like? What special honor is Ji-Li picked for at school? Describe Ji-Li's parents reaction. What does Ji-Li do instead of entering the audition?
Ji-Li's life at school: Ji-Li was expected to succeed in everything, she was able to excell, p1. They were accusing her and her best friends for spreading the "four olds", p34-36. Ji-Li scored a perfect score on a math test, p6. The central liberation army arts academy choose Ji-Li for their dance troop, p6, for what honor she was chosen for. Her parents reaction: They said no. They said that they had political problems that were complicated, p10. She gives a note to the principal abouthow she cannot participate in the try-outs, p11. 

3. What are the "four olds"? Provide some examples of each and explain why they need to be destroyed. What does "prosperity" mean? Why is it considered an old thought?
The "four olds" are, old ideas, old customs, old cultures and old habits, p 21. An example for all of them, p32-33, a man was walk by and he was wearing pointy shoes. The shoes were the four olds, so they cut them up. "Prosperity" means 'doing well'. It is considered an old thought because, in the book, they want to have everyone equal.

4. What is a xenophile? Why is it bad to be a xenophile in Revolutionary China?
A xenophile is an individual who is attracted to foreign people, cultures or manners. It is bad to be a xenophile in the Revolutionary China because it was considered disloyal to your country.

5. What are da-zi-bao? What are being done with them? Who is Jiang Xi-Wen? Why does Ji-Li hang a da-zi-bao on her house? 
Da-zi-bao are posters that people put on houses all over their schools acusing people of things. Jiang Xi-Wen is Ji-Li's Aunt, p44. Ji-Li hangs a da-zi-bao on her house because she wanted to fit in because her friends were doing it to.

6. Why does Ji-Li stop going to school for a while? (She has been accused of what?)
Ji-Li stops going to school because her class mates wrote a da-zi-bao about her and because after the da-zi-bao she caught a fever.

7. What is a rightist? Use your own words to briefly explain the process of remolding one's ideology.
A rightist is someone who opposes or disagrees with the party. 
To remold one's ideology is to change there beliefs and ideas according to your beliefs.

8. What did Ji-Li's grandfather (her dad's father), do for a living? How does this effect Ji-Li's life?
Ji-Li's grandfather was a landlord and this effected Ji-Li in a bad way because being landlord was  considered exploiting. So her classmates expected her to remold her ideology. 

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